Always Be Birdin'

Black Birders Week 2021 : Courtney Akinosho

Episode Summary

TW: Rape and Sexual Assault Today I have the pleasure of chatting with Courtney Akinosho, Founder and CEO of Black Girls Bird, a wonderful organization whose mission is to provide Black girls of all ages access to nature while promoting holistic well-being utilizing the joy of birding and photography. Day 5 of Black Birders Week centers safety in the outdoors for Black people. Courtney and I speak candidly, openly and deeply about how nature is often weaponized by white men, white women and black men and how we can't have the conversation about safety in the outdoors without centering black women's experiences and voices and what it looks like to truly have the conversation in a deep and meaningful way without hiding and tiptoeing around the true dangers outside. -- Stay tuned at the end of the episode for a special announcement from Amplify The Future regarding their Black and Latinx Birders Scholarship application deadline!

Episode Notes

Today I have the pleasure of chatting with Courtney Akinosho, Founder and CEO of Black Girls Bird, a wonderful organization whose mission is to provide Black and Indigenous non-men of all ages access to nature while promoting holistic well-being utilizing the joy of birding and photography. Courtney opens up about the origin of her organization, why it is so deeply important to her and we can take pain and turn it into positivity. Day 5 of Black Birders Week centers safety in the outdoors for Black people. Courtney and I speak candidly, openly and deeply about how nature is often weaponized by white men, white women and Black men and how we can't have the conversation about safety in the outdoors without centering Black women's experiences and voices and what it looks like to truly have the conversation in a deep and meaningful way without hiding and tiptoeing around the true dangers outside. 

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