Always Be Birdin'

Why Isn't Anyone Talking About National Audubon?

Episode Summary

In early November 2020, posted an article calling National Audubon into the very dim spotlight after several minority affinity groups, BIPOC leaders and anonymous survey takers began loudly vocalizing about the very real disparities between BIPOC, queer and femme workers and the all white, cis male dominated top at the organization and it's chapters. In this episode, I outline the basics of the Politico article and expand upon why it is such an important article and push for BIPOC leaders in our community and push even harder for the white allies into a call to action surrounding this very troubling insight into one of the largest environmental organizations in the country. Please listen with intention.

Episode Notes

In early November 2020, posted an article calling National Audubon into the very dim spotlight after several minority affinity groups, BIPOC leaders and anonymous survey takers began loudly vocalizing about the very real disparities between BIPOC, queer and femme workers and the all white, cis male dominated top at the organization and it's chapters. In this episode, I outline the basics of the Politico article and expand upon why it is such an important article and push for BIPOC leaders in our community and push even harder for the white allies into a call to action surrounding this very troubling insight into one of the largest environmental organizations in the country. Please listen with intention. 

Politico Article National Audubon:

Politico Article Nature Conservancy:

Affinity Group Letter:

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